Pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card
Pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card

pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card

The two old-school moves are listed as causing 10 and 30 points of damage, respectively.

pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card

Pikachu has had dozens of Pocket Monster cards bear his likeness, but the historical basis of this 20th-anniversary version means it retains his original attack set of Gnaw and Thunder jolt. That would be cool enough in and of itself, but this card is made with pure gold! While the paper-based arm of the Pocket Monster franchise may not have soared to quite the same level of worldwide fame and fortune as its video game and anime cousins, two decades of sustained success is a serious achievement for a collectible card game, and so the Pokémon Company has come up with something very special to celebrate the milestone.Īs part of a partnership with Japanese company Tanaka Precious Metals, the Pokémon Company is now taking orders for a reissue of the very first Pikachu card.

pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card

This month marks 20 years since the initial release of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The game’s golden anniversary is still 30 years away, but you can get your hands on a pure-gold Pokémon card this winter.

Pokemon 20th anniversary gold pikachu card