Small enough that it can be hidden in cause you don't want anybody walking in the room as you play, but large enough so you can see most of the stuff in the game.

One thing that you might want to fix on it the window mode, for the game.the window is way small vs the previous patches, something you really should fix on, or make it when it is in window mode, people can adjust the window size. Nice to see a reptilian character in the game. See some new cameo show up on stage one, Tai-Li. Am I suppose to land on the leaf, or above or below it? The extra music and sound to the cut scenes was a nice touch. I like some of the new animations, the raging demon horse attack did make me laugh, but the belly button fuck left me in that awkward boner riously awkward boner.anyway, I still have trouble hitting that hidden spot to the emerald for world 2. More enemies showing up, some that didn't show up before in some area now do. The most simple workaround for this is too simply switch to sites with better moderation or simply a lack of it.Alright so far.I play first run of the story and the arena.AI attack rate increase makes the game actually challenging.even when I play zeta. The only thing that could be done is taking advantage of oversights on file-hosting and server-hosting sites, essentially using sites that don't bother to judge the validity of takedown claims. The Zeta Team and company could also try taking down the server for harassment as a last resort, but this is similarly limited since having a good moderation team would be enough to stop any kind of hate speech, harassment, or related. I don't think the copyright-aspect would be a problem since mods are simply free modifications of existing games, and the game itself is also free, currently abandoned/on-hiatus, and lacks the grounds to takedown related material since it unlawfully uses materials from the Sonic The Hedgehog IP. The only two issues would be whether it could be taken down for copyright infringement or if it could be taken down for harassment (the copyright issue would also apply to hosting mod files). Click to expand.A discord server could work.