"Always up to our necks in bad guys… finding new ones to beat up. "You know what they say about all work and no play. Just once, I’d like to try it the other way." "We’re outnumbered, under-powered and one step behind the enemy. "Dear Czerka, please stop finding ancient horrible things.
"Looks like I'm gonna break your record boss.".
"Someday, let's retire from this Jedi business. "Have you seen what those Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy joined the dark side.". "If they were to mash Hoth and Tatooine into one planet.would it be a decent planet with nice weather?". "You know what I learned during my first council meeting? I can sleep standing up.".
"Jedi = Good to go/T7 = All terrain vehicle.".Player: "I don't need to see you when I can smell you." Lord Nefarid: "You cannot fight what you cannot see."